About My Healing
I channel multidimensional healing and guidance for Starseeds, Twin Flames, lightworkers, empaths, and other advanced souls.
In the sessions, I offer healing, coaching, and mentoring regarding relationships, personal healing, and Soul Business based on your needs and wishes. I work intuitively with what you need through my eight psychic senses.
​The characteristic of my work is that it´s powerful and focused, and clients often experience rapid shifts and profound transformation.
I have all 8 psychic senses activated and receive information on what needs healing for you in relation to various issues or situations in your life. During the healing, I also convey sonic frequencies, activations, and light codes with my Seraphim Angel Over-Soul's voice. These will help you anchor Crystalline, Diamond, Plasma, and Rainbow light codes.
I collaborate with the Elohim, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses, and Christed ETs from various star systems of 100% light to transform, heal, and balance. and merge your soul aspects with your physical Self.
I help you balance your energy, dissolve multidimensional blockages, remove implants, cut negative energy cords, close negative portals, and increase your light by replacing these with codes, templates, connections, and structures of light, and Galactic and Universal activations.
If you are a lightworker, I also help you balance after working with clients. ​
The sessions take place in collaboration with your Akashic Records. Each session is unique and deeply healing, activating and balancing on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. ​
You continue to work with your recorded session (Mp3). Each session has infinite potential as the healing takes on new layers over time as it works through time and space and transcends linear time. Clients report new activations and deep healing occurring years after the session was recorded.​
Each session leaves you uplifted, wrapped in the loving light of the angels.